Credits Available

As you determine your academic program you should always plan with the end in mind. First consider which university programs might interest you, and then which Grade 12 courses would best serve you in applying to these programs. Next, select your Grade 11 and then Grade 10 courses, as appropriate. That is, for example, if you require Grade 12 Chemistry for your undergraduate program at University you will need to choose Chemistry in Grade 11. If you are uncertain about your university goals, that is not unusual. In this case, do your best in every subject and your academic strengths and interests will eventually reveal themselves.

A Personal Education Planner will be made available to our students. The purpose of the Personal Education Planner is to help you select and plan your High School Courses and assist in the development of an Individual Pathways Plan. It is highly encouraged that students and parents complete the Personal Education Planner together and set strong goals for a successful future.


Use the following chart to plan your course selection for obtaining your OSSD:

Subject Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Additional
1 English English English English
2 Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics
3 Science Science
4 Phys. Ed/Health Phys. Ed/Health
5 Integrated Arts Media or Visual Arts
6 Canadian Geo. Green Industries
7 Canadian History Civics/Careers
8 French (option 1) Regional Geography
9 Business(option 2) French/Business

(Optional Full year credit)

What do you need to graduate?

18 compulsory credits

Students must earn the following compulsory credits to obtain the Ontario Secondary School Diploma:

  • 4 credits in English (1 credit per grade)*
  • 3 credits in mathematics (1 credit in Grade 11 or 12)
  • 2 credits in science
  • 1 credit in Canadian history
  • 1 credit in Canadian geography
  • 1 credit in the arts
  • 1 credit in health and physical education
  • 1 credit in French as a second language
  • 5 credit in career studies
  • 5 credit in civics

One Credit from each of the following groups:

Group 1:

  • English or French as a second language**
  • a Native language
  • a Classical or an international language
  • Social Sciences and the humanities
  • Canadian and world studies
  • Guidance and Career education
  • Cooperative Education***

Group 2:

  • Health and Physical education
  • the Arts
  • Business Studies
  • French as a second language**
  • Cooperative Education***

Group 3:

  • Science (Grade 11 or 12)
  • Technological education
  • French as a second language**
  • Computer studies
  • Cooperative Education***

Additional Requirements

  • 12 Optional Credits
  • 40 Community Involvement Hours
  • Completion of the provincial literacy requirement OSSLT or OSSLC

*A maximum of 3 credits in English as a second language (ESL) or English literacy development (ELD) may be counted towards the 4 compulsory credits in English, but the fourth must be a credit earned for a Grade 12 compulsory English course.

**In groups 1, 2, and 3, a maximum of 2 credits in French as a second language can count as compulsory credits, one from group 1 and one from either group 2 or group 3.

***A maximum of 2 credits in cooperative education can count as compulsory credits.

The 12 optional credits may include up to 4 credits earned through approved dual credit courses.